Reflection Time and Daily Prayer

Good Morning Brown Clee!

Yesterday we thought about ‘thinking positively’, which is definitely helping me as we make our plans for a possible return to school!  So I thought I would carry the theme throughout the week, as there are plenty challenges ahead, and I think everyone will benefit from thinking positively….so here is a little story about 2 seeds to help remind us all of the importance of dreaming BIG and thinking positively!

So let’s do some dreaming BIG as we go through the day – what can you to make a difference today?  Can you help someone?  Can you make someone smile? Here’s my challenge to you today – have a think and do something today that makes a difference to someone else. Here’s a song to help…


Prayer of the Day

Dear God,
Thank you for our amazing world.
We have so much that makes us happy!
Please help us to do our part in making the world a happier place.
Please help us today to smile at others and make them happy.

Music Mark
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