In September we will be using ParentPay to pre-order and pre-pay for School Meals.
We are pleased to let you know that our ParentPay site will shortly be active and all parents have got their own account with an individual Username and Password. You will find details on the attached letter, along with instructions on how to activate your account. In order to activate your account you need to do the following:-
- Visit and enter your Activation username and password in the Account Login section of the homepage. (NB. These are for one-time use only, please choose your own username and password for future access during the activation process).
- Provide all the necessary information and choose your new username and password for your account – registering your email address will enable us to send you receipts and reminders.
- Once activation is complete you can go straight to Items for payment, select which item(s) you want to add to your basket and proceed to complete your payment.
As from September all School Meals will need to be pre-ordered and pre-paid using ParentPay; with the cost of a school meal remaining £2.30. If you are the parent of a child entitled to a Free School Meal, you will still need to pre-order but no payment is required.
A letter is being sent home today with further information and also your Username and Password – so please let us know if you don’t receive this.
At this stage we are only using ParentPay for School Meals, but we will be looking to expand it in the future to cover payments for Breakfast Club, Care Club and School Trips.
There is more information on ParentPay on this video:-
ParentPay – Parents Overview from ParentPay on Vimeo.