Please could the children continue their learning at home by having a go at the games to help them learn their number bonds.
Click on the link below for a list of resources.
Games to help you learn your number bonds
Start with your number bonds to 10. You need to know them so you can instantly recall pairs of number that go together to make 10.
If this is tricky, find pairs of number that total 1 – 9 first.
Eg, Number bonds to make 5.
5 + 0, 0 + 5, 4 + 1, 1 + 4, 3 + 2, 2 + 3
If you are confident with these numbers try your number bonds to 20.
Year 2 children that are confident with 20 can move onto number bonds to 100.
A number bond is just a pair of numbers that go together to make a total.