Next week – Returning to school and home activities

As you are aware, following Miss Relph’s update on Thursday, the Government have confirmed that schools are reopening for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 on Monday.


Just a specific for those from Class 4 who are returning:
Miss Relph mentioned that school uniform is not a requirement (due to the need for new clothes to be worn each day). It would great if those returning in Class 4 could wear anything suitable for P.E. each day (particularly appropriate footwear) as we won’t necessarily have a set day for P.E. and will be likely to be doing something outside every day.


As mentioned before half term, due to this reopening, the home activities will change slightly. The main difference will be that activities will be set weekly – as opposed to daily as previous. Next week’s home activities will be available on the class news from 08:30 on Monday.

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