School Uniform Alternative
Following from some feedback from several parents (and a lot of children), we have been looking at exploring some additional/alternative options with our current “jumpers”. The general consensus was that, whilst the current tops are suitable for spring/summer months, they are not particularly warm for the winter. We are therefore looking at adding a thicker hooded option as part of our school uniform (see images below). These would be provided by our same uniform provider (Lads and Lasses) – who have said these will cost £14.99 or £16.99 (if in an adult size).
Alongside widening our uniform options, we are also exploring ways in which we can further lessen the financial burden of uniform for those that it particularly impacts. One of these is that we are currently looking at ways in which FOBCS could run a second-hand uniform “shop” based from school. We will let you know of further details on this as soon as we can.
Easter Service
All parents, carers and others are invited to join the children for an Easter Service led by Reverend Joe Simons at St. John the Baptist Church, Ditton Priors next Monday (18th March).
The service will begin at 2pm.
We look forward to seeing any who can make it.
Animal Man Visit – Grasshoppers and Fireflies
Grasshoppers and Fireflies are having a visitor on the first day back after Easter: the Animal Man.
As this may involve some direct interaction with the animals, could any parents/carers with children with allergies to any animals fill in the following form:
Shropshire Holiday Activities and Food Easter programme – what’s on?
Please find below a link to the Shropshire Holiday Activities provided by Shropshire Council and their partners over the Easter holidays. Children in receipt of Free School Meals can access these activities for free using the unique code which will be sent home today.
Many of these activities are also open to other children not in receipt of Free School Meals for a fee. The link gives details of how to book and whether the activity is open to all children.
Shropshire Holiday Activities and Food Programme Spring 2024_web-compressed
Headteacher Appointment Letter – Chair of Governors
See below a letter from Margaret Buckingham, our Chair of Governors, about the outcome of Wednesday’s headteachers’ interviews: Governors’ Letter – HT appointment

Red Nose Day – Comic Relief – Friday 15th March
A reminder that, on Friday, children can come to school in their own clothes (with something red) with a donation in aid of Comic Relief.