Class News Email Updates
Following the requested feedback on communication (, a large number of you commented on the usefulness of the automated email subscription – which we will continue to use.
If you would like to receive an email when bulletin news is added relevant to your child’s class, then follow the following link Subscribe to our email newsletter and fill in the relevant information.
Once you have subscribed, you can update your information or unsubscribe using the links found at the bottom of any email received using this service. Image below as example.

The plan moving forward will be for general news (i.e. what’s going on in the classes) will remain using the automated email service.
Specific news and updates will also be posted on our Facebook page (
Key news from across the website will be collated to create a Newsletter (on an approximately weekly basis), this will be shared via the automated service and also Facebook page.
We are still exploring options of a texting service for more urgent messages
Special Eurovision Menu – Tuesday 14th May
Laura and Carla will be serving a special Eurovision Menu on Tuesday 14th May. As we are unable to change the choices on ParentPay for one day, if your child would like the Swedish Meatballs please select ‘Penne with Beef Bolognese’ and if your child would like the Swedish Vegeballs please select ‘Veggie Cottage Pie’. Jacket Potatoes and sandwiches are also available on that day.
May 2024 – Eurovision – Menu
Bridgnorth Rugby Club – Girls’ Club
See below: a flyer from BRFC regarding a free girls’ Rugby Camp for Year 6 and above.

Dragon Heads – Scorpions
Scorpions have been making dragon heads out of chicken wire and papier-mâché.
These will be going “on exhibition” at church in due course.
Brown Clee Benefice Weekly Pew Sheet
The Brown Clee Benefice Weekly Pew Sheet is attached to this post. This has information on the Church Services within the Benefice, along with other activities and events and news.
This Sunday 12th May, the Midland Oil Engine Club Tractor Run takes place starting from Lower Cockshutt Farm, WV16 6RF, at 10.00am. There will be lots to see during the day, plus ringing of the bells at approximately 4.00pm. The day will culminate with a very special Worship on the Farm with Revd Joe at 4.30pm. It promises to be sunny and warm too!
The following weekend on Saturday 18th May, is St. John the Baptist Church Fete. This will start at 1.00pm with the BBQ. Items for stalls are needed. Please contact Marjorie Jones if you would like to run your own stall. There will also be a plant stall with lots of beautiful homegrown plants.
U9s Football – Highley
See below information on an U9s football teams (girls or boys):

Celebration Assembly – Cancelled – 16.05.24
Unfortunately, there will not be a celebration assembly next Thursday (16.05.24)
Sports Day ’24 Information
As mentioned in a previous post (, Sports day will take place on 3rd July.
This year, the event will be slightly bigger than previous years – and will begin at 10:00am and finish at the end of the school day (15:15).
The morning will comprise of children competing in teams in a variety of different activities in rotating stations. We will then have lunch (where children and spectators can eat together). After lunch, there will be a series of different running races and presentation at the end. Spectators can attend any individual parts of the day – or the whole day.
More specific information for the children will come nearer the date.