Headteacher Appointment Letter – Chair of Governors
See below a letter from Margaret Buckingham, our Chair of Governors, about the outcome of Wednesday’s headteachers’ interviews: Governors’ Letter – HT appointment

World Book Day 2024
Everyone enjoyed a day of celebrating reading and all the joys of stories. Children were mixed up into 5 new classes (with children from Reception all the way up to Year 6) and then spent around 45mins with each teacher completing different story-related tasks (from illustrating and character-creating to creating film trailers of their chosen stories to creating book covers and designing world within stories). Take a look below:
Arthog – 2024/25
Looking ahead for our biennial Arthog visit, which is due to take place in the academic year 2024/25, we have found there is very limited availability at our preferred dates – with the only suitable available date being November 2024. There has also been a significant increase in the cost of this per pupil compared to previous years – which is £373 per pupils (before adding transport costs). We have been exploring further options – but have found that these are all coming up as just as much – or, in some cases, significantly more. We are going to look into how we can, as a school, help minimising the cost of this cost for yourselves.
Before we make our booking official, we would like to gauge the interest level of parents of current Year 4 and Year 5 parents. If you are a parent of a Year 4 or 5, we’d very much appreciate if you could fill in the following Microsoft Form: https://forms.office.com/e/aLrS7aXjvX
Activity Clubs for the Summer Term
Here is the letter with the details for the Summer Term’s Clubs from April until half term.
Activity Clubs letter Summer Term 1 2024