New School Organisation and Structure for possible opening on 1st June

Good afternoon and we hope everyone is enjoying the sunny weather!

We are working hard behind the scenes to prepare for a possible opening of the school for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children on the 1st June.  This involves a lot of changes and organisation, and we really appreciate your understanding, and openness with letting us know if you are planning to send your children back to school if we are told to open.  This has really helped us with our planning, so thank you!

This letter provides some information on the classroom organisation and structure, as well as staffing planning and days/timings if we open:

Letter to parents Class Organisation Staffing Structure

We will also be posting further information to be more detailed about the Start and End of Day procedures to minimise contact between groups and maximise safety.

If you have any questions please do email me:

These are unprecedented times, and I’d just like to reassure you that we are doing all we possibly can to prioritise everyone’s safety and well-being.

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