Lunch time update

First of all, here’s some clues/a starting point if you’re stuck on the challenge question:

The most useful clue to start with is that the Irishman lives in the first house. Therefore, he cannot live in any of the other four houses, can’t be a bus driver (as the American is), can ‘t drink tea (because the Welshman does) and can’t have dogs (because the Scotsman does).

The 2nd most useful clue is that the Irishman lives next door to the blue house – and, as the the Irishman is in the first house, the 2nd house must be blue. If the 2nd house is blue, all the rest can’t be blue and the Englishman can’t live in the 2nd house as his house is red.

Here’s the start of my workings:


Secondly, a reminder that if you want to take part in any of our Hive Games today, the codes / times are below:

There will be 3 hive games today:

Game 1 (slightly easier) – 1:00pm – 594304
Game 2 (slightly harder) – 1:10pm – 799752
Game 3 (hard) – 1:20pm – 388369


You can join any of these hive games at any point; however, the game will not start until the time above, so make sure you’re ready to join in time.

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