Good evening,
I am guessing that you have heard from the Prime Minister that we are now in a formal lockdown and school is closed until February half-term. Having only just heard this news, and to be frank, I am quite shocked, we need time to organise and prepare remote learning and keyworker care.
I am typing with a very heavy heart and feel totally stunned, as we have all been looking forward to being back at school with the children, and the thought of not being open until after February half term is a terrible prospect. We know how important it is for children to be in school, how wonderful it has been to see the happy, confident children arriving back at school since September, reigniting their love of learning and enjoyment of interacting with their friends. To have that taken away again is just heart-breaking.
However, it is very clear that we need to do our bit to protect the NHS and save lives. So we will do the best we can to ensure that we provide the best remote learning we can – and we will need parents help to do this – as we really need all children engaging with their teachers and this new way of learning, much more so than in the Spring.
Tomorrow is a non-school day to allow us to prepare. So please bear with us and be patient – I am sure there are many questions – and we will do our best to answer them. Our first and foremost priority is to help keep the community safe AND to support and teach our children.