The life skills of independence, teamwork, responsibility, respect, confidence and communication underpin all the work we do at Brown Clee C.E. Primary School. These skills are embedded in thematic work and in the way children behave on a daily basis. We strive to develop confident, independent children who have the skills to lead a successful life.
PSHE is often taught through other subjects, such as healthy eating in science. Specific PSHE teaching is carried out in all classes, based on the Shropshire Healthy Schools scheme. Cultural awareness is developed through visitors, trips, literature and topic work.
We are delivering the Shropshire Respect Yourself: Eat Better, Move More, Relationship and Sex Education programme.
Children’s questions are dealt with appropriately as they arise throughout their time at our school.
Drug awareness is taught to the older children using the STAR (stop, think, act, reflect) program. The children in Year 5 and 6 get the opportunity to attend the Crucial Crew days in the summer term.
We will be reviewing our Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Curriculum (PSHE) provision ahead of the new statutory PSHE Curriculum that comes into effect in September 2020.
PSHE Curriculum – Update