Full School Opening in September

Good afternoon,

We have had the official guidance today on the measures needed to open the school in September, and we will be publishing all our Safe Operating Procedures and Action Plan on Monday, so that parents can be fully aware of all the measures we will be taking to ensure the safety of all children, families and staff in the current situation.

Having received the guidance, we are pleased to say that we will be able to offer wrap around care to parents who absolutely need it.  We will be encouraging parents to try and make other arrangements wherever possible, as with all the children back in school, children will be unable to socially distance and the key control measure will be the non-mixing of the class groups (the ‘bubble’ concept).

The wrap around care will take place in the hall, and in-line with the guidance we will have to ‘segment’ the hall to keep children in different classes apart – the ‘bubble’ concept.  This will limit the number of children that we can cater for.

Therefore, in order to allow us to plan effectively, and to enable us to provide this service for the families that absolutely do need it, we kindly ask that if at all possible, those parents who will need child care on a regular basis, to let us know by the end of next week what your wrap around care needs in September are likely to be. We appreciate that things may change, but this will allow us to work out the class Child Care segment size, which in turn will allow us to help parents out as much as possible.

Once we have this information, we can then work out maximum numbers for each Child Care Class segment, and this should help parents to plan in September.

The booking system will also need to change, due to the limits of numbers, and we will let parents know what this is later.

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