Full Return Return to School – Monday 8th March

We are so looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday morning!  The school has been thoroughly cleaned and tidied, we have reviewed our curriculum the teachers are all planned and ready and we are all raring to get back to ‘normal’!

I have attached here the start and end of day procedures as a reminder:-

End of the Day Procedures

Start of Day Procedures

Please can we remind parents of the importance of sticking to the 2m social distancing, and of keeping younger siblings with you at drop off and pick up. So far we have not had to close any classes due to Covid, and the worst case scenario is if we get a positive case and there has been mixing we might have to close more than one bubble or even the whole school and return to remote learning – and we really do not want to have to do this!

Teachers will be letting you know which days are PE days so that children can come to school in their PE uniform (dark coloured tracksuits please), and can we remind parents that children JUST need a packed lunch (if not having a school meal), a waterbottle and a reading book in ONE bag, as well as their waterproof coat.  Just one bag as there really isn’t space for more in the classrooms.

We are very aware that non-essential shops are closed, and that this includes shoe shops.  If your child’s school shoes still fit then please can they were them.  If they do not, then children can wear clean, sensible shoes or trainers (not boots/Uggs please).

Have a restful and enjoyable weekend and we very much look forwards to seeing you next week!

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