Thank you for the pictures of your work you sent in today. I’ve got quite a few letters for the care home – which I will pass on to Miss Relph, who will email them over. If you’ve still got a letter you wish to share, you can email them to the class 4 email address ( and I can pass them on.
and here’s the most value players from each house:
Here’s some of your work from today:
Whilst I won’t be putting work on the website over the next two weeks (it’s the Easter holidays), if you still want to share any photos or videos of what you’ve been up to over the break, then email them to me and I can post them on the website for everyone else to see after the 2 weeks.
If you do start getting a bit bored over the break, remember, Rob Biddulph does his ‘draw-along’s every Tuesday and Thursday – – and there’s always Spelling Shed, TTRS and ReadTheory to keep you busy!
Have a good 2 weeks “off”, keep safe and I hope to see you all soon!