1. Event

Christmas Church Service

Nasal Flu Immunisations

Outdoor Carol Singing

Harvest Festival Church Service

KS1 Nativity Performance

KS1 Nativity Performance

Parents Evening (all year groups)

Full Governing Body Meeting

FPGP Governors Meeting

Christmas Dinner

Year 6 & Reception Height & weight measurement

Nasal Flu immunisations – all year groups

Individual & sibling school photographs

Year 5 & 6 Arthog Residential

KS2 Swimming – Bridgnorth Leisure Centre

PD Day – staff only

Invasion Games


This half term we will be continuing with Invasion Games run by Charlie Ward from ActivSports. These fun sessions provide the children with the opportunity to enjoy a variety of sporting activities – Please note that these sessions may sometimes be held outside and therefore warm/waterproof clothing will need to be provided.

Your child will need to be collected from the infant playground at 4.15 p.m.

Lego Club


Lego club is back this half term. The club will be on a Thursday from 3.15 – 4.15 pm, starting on Thursday 12th September for 7 weeks.

Create Club


This half term we will be continuing with Creative Arts club run by Kathryn Banks from The Creation Station. These are fun arty sessions using a variety of different materials each week varying from paints to clay and much more. No special equipment or clothing is required, all materials and aprons will be provided.

Your child will need to be collected from the infant playground at 4.15 p.m.



Provided by Crossbar Coaching. Dodgeball is an ever popular game with the children, these fun sessions will allow the children to develop their agility, balance and team work. Please note that these sessions may sometimes be held outside and therefore warm/waterproof clothing will need to be provided.

Your child will need to be collected from the infant playground at 4.15 p.m.

Gymnastics Club


Provided by our very own Mr Harley, Gymnastics Club is open to anyone in KS2 who fancies improving their gymnastics skills.

Your child will need to be collected from the infant playground at 4.15 p.m.

FOBCS Meeting

Open the Book

Ludlow School Y6 Transition Day

Bridgnorth Endowed Y6 Transition Days

Year 6 to Crucial Crew in Bridgnorth

Tag Rugby School Games Final (Shrewsbury Sports Village)

Swimming Gala (William Brookes School)

Dragonflies Class Roman Workshop

Music Mark
School Games Virtual
Church of England
Safer School
School Games – Platinum 2023/25
Skills Builder
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