End of Day Collections

We have experienced a few issues the last 2 days at the end of the day when parents are collecting their children.  So can we please ask parents to consider the following points:-

  1. Please do not park in the layby where the school buses park as this causes delays and congestion.
  2. Please maintain some social distancing to be considerate to everyone.
  3. Please collect children and leave the playground promptly.
  4. Please park off the school site and walk if at all possible.
  5. We are going to implement a one-way system at the end of the day to reduce congestion and improve social distancing. All parents who are collecting children from school need to enter via the Infant Playground, where they meet and collect their children.  Parents then walk up the path to the Top Gate to leave school – this will allow for a one way-system which should help reduce congestion. We also ask that parents maintain sensible spacing on the playground and that parents leave promptly once they have collected their child/children.


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