Dragonflies – Remote Learning – Friday 18th February

Good morning Dragonflies! 18th February 2022

Please find your work for the day below.


1. Count in Fractions – Watch the video and complete the tasks within it as instructed. Video: https://vimeo.com/506082065

2. Complete the Worksheet: “Count in Fractions” (attached to email).

(Y3: Do at least questions 1&2 and more if you choose)

(Y4: Do at least all the White Rose Maths Sheet and the Reasoning & Problem Solving

sheet in addition if you choose)


3. Verbally rehearse the 4 & 12 times tables.

4. Verbally rehearse counting up in 4s & 12s.

5. Go on TTRS – There will be a battle taking place!

(Y3 vs Y4: 8.00-10.00am tomorrow)

(Boys vs Girls: Mon 21st 9.00am – Fri 25th 3.00pm)

6. Go on Numbots.



1. Spellings

Go on Spelling Shed and practice spelling list 6b.

2. Sentence work

Look at the attached activity. Read the sentences carefully and correct the errors

that you spot.




1. Location of settlements

Watch the powerpoint attached to this email called “Location of settlements”

Location of settlements

2. Make notes giving information under these headings:

Older settlements

Newer settlements

All settlements


Join with the first Joe Wickes workout that was aired during the first lockdown.

Class Challenge

How far can you walk or run whilst you are at home? You could run laps of the garden or a route around the house. Send us the distance you cover and we will add it to the class total. I wonder whether we will finish our second lap around the Shropshire border during half term…

I look forward to being back in class with you all again soon.

Best wishes,

Mrs Heath

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