Yesterday we reflected on why The Boy wanted to be kind when he grew up. Today I have a short video to share, entitled ‘Colour Your World with Kindness’.
Watch the video and think what colours would you choose to colour your world if you had a choice? What acts of kindness could you do today to add some colour at home? Can you add some colour to your family through acts of kindness such as setting the table for dinner, tidying your room or even just giving your parents a hug!? Why not try and let me know what happens when your colour with kindness by emailing
Prayer of the Day
Dear God,
Thank you that we can be kind to one another.
Thank you for the teachers and families who teach us why we need to be kind.
Thank you, God, for the kindness and love that you show us.
Please help us to forgive our friends for any fallings-out.
Please help us always to give people a second chance.
Please help us to say sorry and start again.