Daily learning 3.4.20

Happy Friday everyone!

Well done for all your hard work over the last 2 weeks. I have really enjoyed seeing all the amazing things you have been up to.

After today, we have 2 weeks off for Easter. I hope you all have a lovely Easter break. Fingers crossed we have some nice weather and can all be out in the garden.

Daily learning will be back on the Class 1 news page, Monday 20th April.

Take care and look after each other!

Mrs Fox

Daily Learning:

Forest School

Mrs Rollings has suggested a scavenger hunt. She has asked you to find:

1) A feather

2) A skeleton of a leaf from last year

3) A leaf emerging from a bud.

4) Something unusual or pretty (must be natural.)

5) Can you see a mini beast that has been in hibernation or has hatched out in Spring (for example: a bumblebee, a ladybird or a butterfly.)

Have fun and please share your photos. I am sure Mrs Rollings would like to see what you have found.

Year 1 spellings:

Ask your mum or dad to test you on your weekly spelling list. (Remember it is a test so they can’t help you.) Let me know how you get on!



Click on the following link for yoga.


Try the second part of the BBC move it mini-beast- ‘Digging for worms.’



Weight and capacity- Lesson 2 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

Activity sheets: Y1-Spring-Block-4-WO2-Measure-mass-2019

I hope you have a great day! Keep me updated as to how you get on!


Mrs Fox

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