Good morning Class 2!
As you will know it is the start of half-term so you will have a break from work next week.
After half-term, some of us could be going back to school. Albeit, in a very different way and therefore remote learning for the other children will look a bit different too. As soon as I know how this will look I will let you all know.
Thank you very much for all the fantastic work and activities you have done at home during the first half of the Summer term.
Also, a big thank you to all the parents who have worked so hard helping you to do your work and for sending it to me, along with photographs. I have over 200 PowerPoint slides with all the different photographs on, that you have sent me!
Maybe we can think of the day that you can all be sat on the carpet, side by side, looking them and remembering the very strange months when we couldn’t see one another. What a happy day that will be!
For now though, I wish you a lovely half-term with your families.
Stay well, stay happy & play the days away!
Daily Activities 22.5.20
Maths Challenges
Friday Challenge 1
Friday Challenge 1 ANSWERS
Friday Challenge 2
Friday Challenge 2 ANSWERS
Friday Challenge 3
Friday Challenge 3 ANSWERS
Friday Challenge 4
Friday Challenge 4 ANSWERS
RSHE – Be thankful and grateful
Bubbles of Gratitude – Click below
Forest School – It’s a Small World (See Daily Activity Plan)
Andy’s Wild Workout –
PE Athletics
Music – Sun, Sea & Song: Suki Over the Ocean
Story Time – The Golden Crab
Titanic Puppets