
Dear Parents,

Coronavirus COVID – 19

We have been monitoring the development regarding the coronavirus very closely. Last Thursday the government announced that they have now moved on to the ‘delay’ stage of their plan to combat the Covid19 virus. This means that anyone, children or adults, with a high temperature or cough are to self-isolate for 7 days. At the moment this does NOT mean that unaffected other family members should also be isolated, although the government have indicated that this advice may change to include the whole household isolating themselves where only one person has symptoms.

The NHS website offers more detail about the virus here:

The whole scenario is a very fluid and is a rapidly changing one but we are aware that school closures are a risk. With this in mind we are drafting an action plan, and these details will be shared when appropriate. In the meantime it would be helpful for parents to ensure that they have the appropriate log-in details for the Spelling Shed, Timestable Rockstar and Numbots programmes.

Along with governors, we have also been attempting to legislate for the vast number of scenarios (or combinations of) that might affect our day to day operation and may even force a short term closure, for example: Absence of key staff (eg Teachers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, first aiders, etc) either through illness or self-isolation and/or disruption to school services (e.g. school meals, cleaning arrangements etc.). Please be aware that this may also affect our ability to run Breakfast and Care Clubs.

Decisions will be based on the nature of the situation and risk assessment carried out on a daily basis. Where it is decided that closure is necessary, this will be communicated to parents directly and as soon as possible. This is a highly dynamic situation and we will continue to adapt and adjust as appropriate. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in the coming days and weeks.

Please monitor the school website for any changes in guidance and information, and please share within the school community. We think transparency is important, so if you or anyone in your household is self-isolating we would really appreciate being informed.




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