Class 4 – Remote Learning – 19.01.21

Good morning.


Thank you for the work sent in yesterday. I thought I’d share a couple of fantastic examples of work that were sent in:

The first is Ollie’s English work:

and the second, Meryn’s geography:

What makes these such good pieces was the obvious amount of consideration and thought that has gone into their learning. Both have also taken the initiative to take additional notes on what they have been learning about – which is really fantastic to see. There have been other examples of work sent in by others of a similarly high quality!


Here’s this week’s rough timetable of what this week would look like if we were in school. Again, the amount of work isn’t going to be as much as if we were in school, but you may find it useful to follow. If you’d rather structure your day a different way, please feel free.

Following on from Florence’s question during Friday’s live session, I thought it would be good to try doing a live session more regularly – like last week’s, these will be completely optional. We have another live session planned on Friday – this will hopefully be a lot shorter than last week’s. We will do another session with Larry – so that those that didn’t get a chance last week could do so this week.



Here are some EBM questions for you to have a go at before maths.

EBM – 19.01


Maths: Bar Models (multiplication and division)

We are going to temporarily stop with our work on fractions. We are going to have a lot a concept which we touched on last week in our EBM sessions – which is the relationship between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.


Today, we are going to look at using bar models to help visualise multiplication and division. Remember, bar models won’t answer a question for us, but they do allow us to visualise problems – making them a very useful tool for word problems.


Here is a short video modelling the use of bar models for multiplication and division to solve different questions. There is not talking in these videos, so please watch really carefully to see if you can understand what is happening in them. At certain points in the video, it will tell you to pause the video and have a go at a certain part of the worksheet.


Here is today’s work sheet: Bar Models – multi&divide




Maths: Extension

Here are some optional questions for you to have a go at today after finishing the main activity if you want something a bit more challenging (Q3 and 4 are particularly difficult)

Maths Extension – 19.01



Sentence / Fragment / Run-on

As we usually do in school, here is a Sentence / Fragment / Run-on task:

Sentence, Fragment, Run-on 19.01

The first page is just information / a recap on the difference is between an sentence, a fragment and a run-on.


English – Writing

One of the things you may need to use when writing a non-chronological report is apostrophes. Whilst you may not necessarily use them for contractions/omission (due to the formality of a report), you are likely to use them to show singular and plural possession.

We did apostrophes last term, so hopefully this should serve as a recap. Apostrophes are a simple punctuation – which possibly gets the most misused! Understanding when you may need to use an apostrophe is the most important part.

There are two times you need to use an apostrophe:

  1. Omission: to replace missing letters – e.g. can’t, didn’t, ‘ey, talkin’ (these tend to only be used in more informal forms of writing, so you are unlikely to use these in a non-chronological report). Can’t and didn’t are examples of contractions (where two, or more, words are joined together and the apostrophe is used to replace the letters which are “omitted” (missing).
  2. Possession: to show that something [usually a noun] belongs to something else [usually a noun]. How we use this depends on whether the thing possessing (owning) the other thing is singular (only one thing) or plural (more than one thing).I’ll try and explain that more clearly using some examples
    1. Singular possession: This is when a single something possesses/owns something else – e.g. the cat’s tail (the tail belonging to the cat), my sister’s friends (the friends belonging to my sister).
    2. Plural possession: This is when a plural something (more than one thing) possesses/owns something else – e.g. the boys’ changing room (the changing room belonging to more than one boy), the dogs’ tails (the tails belonging to more than one dog).


The rules for these are quite straightforward (but so often misused):

  • For omission, the apostrophe will always replace any missing letters. If the letters are adjacent – e.g. cannot = can’t – only one apostrophe is needed. If the letters being omitted have other letters between them –
    • e.g. should not have = shouldn’t’ve – then more than one apostrophe is needed.
  • For singular possession, you will almost always just add an apostrophe and an s (‘s) to the word doing the possessing – even if the word ends in an s!
    • e.g. Carl’s pen, The girl’s cat, Jess’s cousin.
    • There are some exceptions to this rule (which are mainly to do with particular usage in certain ancient/important texts, or in cases when the ‘s’ after the apostrophe is not pronounced).
      • e.g. Jesus’ cross, Moses’ people, Hades’ brother. These exceptions can be broken, and “”Jesus’s cross would be an acceptable use to show that the cross belongs to Jesus. However, “Jess’ cousin” would not  be an acceptable way to show that the cousin belongs to Jess.
  • For plural possession, it depends on whether the plural word ends in an s already. If it does, then you simply add an apostrophe.
    • e.g. the cats’ room (a room belonging to the cats), his sisters’ friends (friends belonging to his sisters)
    • If it doesn’t, you need to add an apostrophe and an s – as you would to show singular possession.
      • e.g. the men’s horses (horses belonging to the men), those children’s dog (a dog belonging to those children)


Here is a flowchart which explain when to use an apostrophe (in a much clearer way): Apostrophe Flowchart

Here is today’s activity: Apostrophes worksheet



Here’s today’s text: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief p1

Here’s today’s questions: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief p1 – Questions



In geography, we are continuing our work on Ancient Greece. Today, we are going to look at the Golden Age of Ancient Greece and some culturally significant contributions.

Here is your lesson:


This lesson will have a recap quiz (based on last week’s lesson), the main video of learning and then a end-of-lesson quiz.



As always, please email me ( any question if you are confused with or don’t understand anything.


I look forward to hearing from you.

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