Good morning – I hope you all had a good weekend.
Well done for all the work you sent in last week – I was really impressed with what was sent in! A few of you even sent in some work you’d done over the weekend – which is absolutely fine: I will try and feedback to it today.
Same as last week: here’s a rough timetable of what this week would look like if we were in school. Again, the amount of work isn’t going to be as much as if we were in school, but you may find it useful to follow. If you’d rather structure your day a different way, please feel free.

Following on from Florence’s question during Friday’s live session, I thought it would be good to try doing a live session more regularly – like last week’s, these will be completely optional. We have another live session planned on Friday – this will hopefully be a lot shorter than last week’s. We will do another session with Larry – so that those that didn’t get a chance last week could do so this week.
Here are some EBM questions for you to have a go at before maths.
EBM – 18.01
Maths: Bar Models (addition and subtract)
We are going to temporarily stop with our work on fractions. We are going to have a lot a concept which we touched on last week in our EBM sessions – which is the relationship between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.
Today we are going to look at using bar models to help visualise this. Remember, bar models won’t answer a question for us, but they do allow us to visualise problems – making them a very useful tool for word problems.
Here is a short video modelling the use of bar models for addition to solve different questions. There is not talking in these videos, so please watch really carefully to see if you can understand what is happening in them. At certain points in the video, it will tell you to pause the video and have a go at a certain part of the worksheet.
Here is the work sheet: Bar Models – +/-
Maths: Extension
Here are some optional questions for you to have a go at today after finishing the main activity if you want something a bit more challenging (Q3 and 4 are particularly difficult)
Maths Extension – 18.01
Sentence / Fragment / Run-on
As we usually do in school, here is a Sentence / Fragment / Run-on task:
Sentence, Fragment, Run-on 18.01
The first page is just information / a recap on the difference is between an sentence, a fragment and a run-on.
English – Writing
In English over the next few weeks, we are going to be exploring a type of text called non-chronological reports. As usually, this is going to involve first understanding what a non-chronological report is (which we will be doing today) and then breaking up some of the different writing features that you may need to use.
Here is your lesson on the features of non-chronological reports:
Continuing with our pattern of -cious, here is today’s spelling task:
Spellings – -cious
Independent reading
As always, you should be spending some time every day reading; however, as we would usually do in school after Spellings, it would be great if you spend an extra 30 minutes today reading your own book. If anyone is stuck for reading material, please let me know and I can see what I can do.
In geography, we are continuing our work on geographical fieldwork. Today, we are going to be looking at some real-life examples of studies and enquiries a geographical research is currently working on.
Here is your lesson:
This lesson will have a recap quiz (based on last week’s lesson), the main video of learning and then a end-of-lesson quiz.
In P.E., we are going to move on from the work we were doing last week on pacing and look at the difference of running technique for distance running vs sprinting. Here is a short video showing the difference:
Two things you really should have noticed with the sprinting running technique is that, as well as having a lot more overall power, the arms “drive” more and there a lot more force when the leg leaves the ground (after the foot has made contact with the ground, the knee is forced upwards with a lot more power).
Your task in P.E. today is to find a short area to practise sprinting. Make sure you are careful of your surroundings. Try and focus on driving your arms and forcing your legs through once your feet make contact with the floor (be especially careful with this if it is slippy). Aim to practise this for about 15 – 30 minutes.
If you want to take this one step further, you could get someone (or set up a camera yourself) to record yourself running. You can then watch yourself back and self-evaluate your sprint technique against the points above.
As always, please email me ( any question if you are confused with or don’t understand anything.
I look forward to hearing from you.