Class 4 – Remote Learning – 11.01.21

Good morning – I hope you all had a good weekend.


Well done for all the work you sent in last week – I was really impressed with what was sent in! A few of you even sent in some work you’d done over the weekend – which is absolutely fine: I will try and feedback to it today.


Same as last week: here’s a rough timetable of what this week would look like if we were in school. Again, the amount of work isn’t going to be as much as if we were in school, but you may find it useful to follow. If you’d rather structure your day a different way, please feel free.


You may notice on that timetable that we have a “live lesson” planned which will be to meet Larry (our temporary axolotl), who was brought to school last Monday ready for this term. The live session will be an informal and optional session where you will get to a chance to see each other together, meet Larry and, if he’s hungry, get a chance to see him being fed! This will be done on Teams and more information on how to join in will be available later in the week.




Here are some EBM questions for you to have a go at before maths.

EBM – 11.01


Maths: Equivalent Fractions (Part 1)

Like last week, there is a video for today’s maths lessons. It is really important you watch this as it explains your learning.


Last week, you were looking at converting between improper fractions to mixed numbers. Today, you will be looking at equivalent fractions


Here is the video link:

Here is the worksheet: Equivalent Fractions – 1 (W2)


If you have any issues with the video, please let me know.


Maths: Extension

Last week, a few of you were getting through the maths work very quickly and some of you asked for some extra work. Here are some optional questions for you to have a go at today after finishing the main activity if you want something a bit more challenging (Q1 and 2 on these are more of a warm-up!)

Maths Extension – 11.01



Sentence / Fragment / Run-on

As we usually do in school, here is a Sentence / Fragment / Run-on task:

Sentence, Fragment, Run-on – 11.01

The first page is just information / a recap on the difference is between an sentence, a fragment and a run-on.



This week, in English, we are going to be continuing with our work on the song we were looking at last week. From last week, you should have noticed that the song had a rhyming pattern (with some forced rhymes – e.g. face and vase [American pronunciation]). You also should have noticed that when you looked at the lyrics themselves, there was a lot that didn’t really make much sense.

Today’s task is to use the video (I’ve put it below) to try and work out what some of the words and phrases actually mean. Don’t worry if you’re not sure with these – just put what you think it means. If you’re really not sure, then take an educated guess! The video may give you a better idea, so watch it lots along side doing this.


Here is a table for you to fill in (the first two have been done as examples). The words/phrases are in order in terms of where they occur in the song).

Vocabulary words – Z2H (1)


Note: This is only half of the song. Tomorrow, you will be going through the rest.



For today’s spellings, you need to complete 5 (or more – if you wish!) games on Spelling Shed on the list called “Words ending in -ious”. It has been assigned, so you should be able to scrolled down your assigned lists to find it. These words are the same as we were doing last week.


Independent reading

As always, you should be spending some time every day reading; however, as we would usually do in school after Spellings, it would be great if you spend an extra 30 minutes today reading your own book. If anyone is stuck for reading material, please let me know and I can see what I can do.




In history, we are going to continue our work on Ancient Greece. Today, we are going to be looking at how it is we know so much about Ancient Greece


Here is your lesson:


This lesson is slightly different to the previous ones you have been doing like this – as it has a recap quiz before the video. These questions are based on last week’s history lesson.



As always, please email me ( any question if you are confused with or don’t understand anything.


I look forward to hearing from you.

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