Class 4 – Remote Learning – 07.01.21

Good morning!


Before I start with today’s activities, I just wanted to say how impressed I was with all the work that was sent in yesterday! It definitely kept me busy, but it was so good to see so much being done.


A few things which may be useful from yesterday:

  • A lot of people said yesterday that Seesaw was a much easier way to submit work, with lots of you completing and sending in your working independently – which is brilliant. It also has the facility where I can actually mark your work and send it back! Don’t worry if you’re struggling to use it, and would still rather email work in, but it’s just something to bear in mind that may make things easier at home.
  • I don’t mind how you set your work out: we had loads of different ways yesterday. The key thing is that it’s clear and I can work out what is what.
  • Please let me know if there any issues you are finding – whatever they may be – and I will do my best to try and solve them!


Please note: if you are using Seesaw, I have put the relevant sheets as templates (which will hopefully make thing easier for you). This just means when you press “add response”, the relevant sheet will come up automatically.

If you wish to take a picture of your written work instead, you should still be able to just place it over the top of the sheet.

If there are any problems with this, let me know and I can change it!



Here are some EBM questions for you to have a go at before maths.

EBM – 07.01


Maths: Improper fractions to Mixed numbers

From now on, most of your maths lessons will come with a video. It is really important that you take the time to watch the video, pausing it where you need to. The information in the video will help you with the questions. It does ask you to pause the video and have a go at some of the question on the worksheet a few times.

Here is the video link:

Here is the relevant worksheet: IF to MN – W1

If you have any issues with the video, please let me know.



In the next few English sessions, we are going to be looking a piece of music, as a close form to poetry. We are going to look at a particular song – which links to our topic Ancient Greece – and comes from the Disney Film, Hercules.

As bit of background, Heracles was hero from Greek mythology, who was believed to be the son of Zeus (and human mother – called Alcmene). According to the myth, he had incredible strength and courage. During his life, Heracles took part 12 impossible labours (challenges).



First, you need to read through the lyrics (can be found here: Hero to Zero). Once you have read it through, identify any words or phrases which don’t make sense to you – you could either write them down OR underline them. Don’t worry: there are likely to be loads!! You’ll also need this list for next week – so make sure you can get to it again

Once you have done that, your second task is to identify the sets of rhyming (or near rhyming) words. For example, HERO and ZERO – you do this by writing them down – or you could highlight them on the sheet in different colours.

Finally, you can listen to the song:

We will return to this again next week.



Whole-class reading

This will be exactly the same as we do in class.

Here is the text for the WCR: Varjak Paw

and here are the questions: Varjak Paw – Qs



In history, we are going to look at how Ancient Greece was organised. Here is a lesson on it.

Once you click on the link, you just need to follow the instructions. There is a video to watch – which has some questions within it. It also has a quiz at the end – you could send in a picture of your result from this quiz.



In P.E. this term, we were going to starting looking at athletics.

Athletics can be broken up into running, jumping and throwing.


We are going to first look at running – which can be thought of as long and short distance.

For today’s activity, you will need:
– 2 markers (you can use anything for these – can be 2 jumpers if you want)
– Some way to record the time (could be stopwatch, phone, tablet, laptop, someone counting)

What you are going to do:
– Taking into account space (some of you may have to be creative with this one!), you will need to set up a distance with two markers . Ideally, this distance would be about 10 metres and done outside; however, I’m aware that with space, this may be difficult – so if you have not got the space to do this safely, you can adapt it as you need.
– Y
ou are then going to time how long it takes you to run between the two markers 10 times – you are aiming to do this as fast as you can.
– Write you time down and catch your breath.
– Once you are ready to go again, you are going to do so again: this time you going to slightly change your running technique (you can choose how: it could be by moving your arms quicker, leaning forward more, standing more upright whilst you run etc.) and you are going to record the time it takes to run between your markers again.
– Repeat this a few times and keep recording your time. Once, you have about 5-10 different times, you can send them over.



The same as yesterday: please email me ( any question if you are confused with or don’t understand anything.

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