If you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out Class 4’s information page – which outlines some of the information about Class 4 (including home task expectations, curriculum information and useful links).
All children in Class 4 should be aware of our P.E. days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and they will need to remember they need to come to school in their P.E. kits for those days.
In class, we are using an app/website called Seesaw – which allows work to be sent between “Teacher” and “Pupil” devices. Depending on its accessibility, this would be a really useful way to send and receive work from home in any future cases of self-isolation. The app is free to install on Android and Apple devices (e.g. tablets/phones). It can also be accessed by web browsers (e.g. chrome, internet edge/explorer, safari etc.) on computers/laptops. Over the next few days, each child will be given login information which allows them to login into their Seesaw account from home. This will hopeful be an easier form of communication (in terms of send and receiving work as Class 4 pupils will all be familiar using Seesaw) in the event of self-isolation. [Phone call from myself will still happen: see earlier post on Isolating Pupils and Remote Learning]
As part of using Seesaw, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) dictates that permission from parents is required. See GDPR Parent Letter. If you are able to print/sign the letter at home and send back in (either via email or with child), that would be fantastic. If this is not possible, a letter will be sent home with children over this week.
If you have any questions or queries about anything, please do not hesitate to contact me (email: class4@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk).