Class 4 – Daily Activities – 29.04

Good morning. Before you check out today’s activities, here are yesterday’s answers.

If you missed a maths video/lesson or want to revisit something, here are the previous posts:
Daily Activities – 20.04
Daily Activities – 21.04
Daily Activities – 22.04
Daily Activities – 23.04
Daily Activities – 24.04
Daily Activities – 27.04
Daily Activities – 28.04

As always, you don’t have to do these activities at a set time or in a set order – that’s all up to you. Also, you don’t have to be doing work all day! Feel free to send in some pictures or videos of some of the other things you have been doing at home.


Spelling Shed

There will be 4 hive games today:

Game 1 (slightly easier) – 1:30pm – 806377
Game 2 (slightly harder) – 1:35pm – 21650
Game 3 (hard) – 1:40pm – 621873
Game 4 (v. hard) – 1:45pm – 121458

Miss Relph will only be joining some of our games each week from now on.


Early Bird Maths

This week, you will have something called a “Flashback 4” in each of your maths videos. These are similar to EBM and therefore I will only be including 5 EBM questions.


Year 5 maths:

Y5 maths video:

Click below to start the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.


Y5 maths activity:

Y5 – Understand-percentages


Year 6 maths:

For some of today’s activity, you are required to use a protractor. If you do not have one, don’t worry – you can just miss those parts out.

Y6 maths video:

Click below to start the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.


Y6 maths activity:


Y6 – Measure-with-a-protractor-2020


Extension – Bar Models:

Bars 1&2
Bars 3&4


Sentence / Fragment / Run-on

1.) It’s time to go.
2.) We’ll be late today.
3.) If you don’t mind, could you pass me the salt?
4.) We can to the park once you’ve eaten you food.
5.) The dog has hurt its leg I’m going to have to take it to the vet.
6.) With a face as white as snow, Sophie opened the door as slowly as she could.
7.) The wolf stepped slowly towards its prey its claw digging into the dark, earthy soil.
8.) I went to the shops, I bought milk.
9.) I often walk the dogs on the beach, they love splashing in the waves.
10.) We have been there loads of times because it’s mum and dad’s favourite place to go.



Here’s today’s chapter from Pax:


Daily Video

Here’s today’s animation:


and some questions to get you thinking:

1.) What were the two girls’ names?
2.) Use 3 words to describe each sister?
3.) Where did the evil creature come from?
4.) What did the girl do to stop the evil creature?
5.) How did the feelings towards her sister change?
6.) What do you think the message is behind this animation?





Today’s P.E. activity is to take a photo of you dancing along to a “Just Dance” (or similar) video. You can find a selection of videos here.



Here’s another of Rob Biddulph’s drawing tutorials for you to have a go at:

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