Good morning. Before you check out today’s activities, here are Friday’s answers.
If you missed a maths video/lesson or want to revisit something, here are the previous posts.
As always, you don’t have to do these activities at a set time or in a set order – that’s all up to you. Also, you don’t have to be doing work all day! Feel free to send in some pictures or videos of some of the other things you have been doing at home.
Spelling Shed
Today’s codes:
Game 1 (slightly easier) – 2:00pm – 707106
Game 2 (slightly harder) – 2:05pm – 434397
Game 3 (hard) – 2:10pm – 278831
Game 4 (v. hard) – 2:15pm – 207994
Early Bird Maths
Year 5 maths:
Y5 maths video:
Click the link below to go to the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.
Y5 maths activity:
Y5 – Multiply-4-digits-by-2-digits-2019
Year 6 maths:
Y6 maths video:
Click the link below to go to the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.
Y6 maths activity:
Y6 – Compare-and-order-fractions
Extension – Problems of the Day
If you’ve missed any of the chapters or want to hear them again, here’s a link to all the previous posts since Easter.
Here is the 1st part of the third chapter of The Graveyard Book. It starts just after yesterday’s ended.
Here’s some questions about what you’ve just listened to:
1.) According to the start of the chapter, what is there in every graveyard?
2.) How would you describe Miss Lupescu?
3.) What did Miss Lupescu make Bod eat?
4.) What is a Night-Gaunt?
This week’s writing task (will carry over Monday and Tuesday) is to write your own conversation between Bod and Miss Lupescu. It could carry on the conversation from today’s part of the chapter or it could be a completely new conversation.
Remember, when including direct speech in our writing, we need to remember to punctuate it carefully so that it is clear to the reader who is saying what.
- Place inverted commas (speech marks) around what is being said
- Speech should start with a capital letter (unless a sentence has been split – e.g. “We’re going to be late…” she shouted, “if you don’t hurry up.”)
- Include closing punctuation at the end of our speech (before the inverted comma) – usually it will be a comma, full stop, question mark or question mark; however, as long as the punctuation mark is being used correctly, you can also use dashes, ellipses, semi-colons and colons)
- If you start with the reporting clause, you should place a comma after it (e.g. She shouted, “We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up.”
Here’s another DrawWithRob for today’s art session