Good morning. Before you check out today’s activities, here are yesterday’s answers.
If you missed a maths video/lesson or want to revisit something, here are the previous posts.
As always, you don’t have to do these activities at a set time or in a set order – that’s all up to you. Also, you don’t have to be doing work all day! Feel free to send in some pictures or videos of some of the other things you have been doing at home.
Spelling Shed
We will only be doing Hive Games on Mondays – with the first game beginning at 2:00pm.
Early Bird Maths
Year 5 maths:
Y5 maths video:
Click below to start the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.
Y5 maths activity:
Y5 – Adding-decimals-crossing-the-whole-2020
Year 6 maths:
Y6 maths video:
Click below to start the video clip. You can pause it if you need to.
Y6 maths activity:
Y6 – Angles-in-a-triangle-missing-angles-2020
Extension – Problems of the Day
Problem of the Day – 07.05
Here’s the final chapters from Pax:
If you’ve missed any of the chapters and want to go back, here’s a link to all the previous posts since Easter.
Daily Video
Here’s today’s animation:
and some questions to get you thinking:
1.) Why is the girl sitting on the bench at the train station?
2.) What does the girl do at first to pass the time?
3.) How does the girl react the first time she can’t solve the cube?
4.) What do you think the cube wants?
5.) What happens which makes the girl give the Rubik’s cube a second chance?
6.) Why does the cube think the girl will be able to solve it?
7.) What does the girl do when she closes her eyes (just before her train arrives)?
8.) What happened to the cube once it was solved?
9.) What did the cube do when the next person missed their train?
10.) What can you infer about about what the cube does?
Last week, some of mentioned you’d quite like to carry on with the Lenny and Carl handwriting tasks. Today’s will just be a recap of how far we got to in the story so far. So, all you have to do is copy up the following in your neatest handwriting.
Lenny was frog who lived in Oxford. He had been cursed by a mysterious group (known as “The Darkness”). Lenny’s best friend Carl was a fox. Carl saved Lenny from the curse by eating him and then “bringing him back up”…
We later found out that Lenny was the heir to the Kingdom of Frogkind; however, he and his father had fallen out a while ago and had never made up. In an attempt to help stop The Darkness, Lenny returned to his father make up. After breaking into the King’s chambers (via the sewers…), Lenny found his father, who appeared dead. Lenny soon found out that it was not the case.
Meanwhile, we found out that Carl was in fact a secret agent – who worked for a oink rabbit called Mr Snuffles. Carl found out that The Kingdom of Lizardkind had been involved with the reintroduction of The Darkness. He went to investigate and was finally able to interrogate their leader (Lizzie Lizardonius). With the information in hand, he met up with Lenny at the King’s castle. Where he found Lenny with his mother and father all celebrating with a birthday cake.
Our P.E. task today comes as challenge from the East Shropshire Sports Partnership. You can either challenge someone in your family, play it on your own or even video call a friend and challenge them.
As always, send in any questions or any photos to share.