Before you start today, check out yesterday’s answers.
Also, Mrs. Morris has found this – which some of you might find interesting:
Click here for more details.
As always, you don’t have to do these activities at a set time or in a set order – that’s all up to you.
There will be 3 hive games today:
Game 1 (slightly easier) – 1:00pm – 990085
Game 2 (slightly harder) – 1:10pm – 681503
Game 3 (hard) – 1:20pm – 258279
I’m going to open today’s games up to Class 3 too.
Early Bird Maths
EBM – 27.03
Problems of the day
Bar Model Questions
Fri 8th Nov 2019 Questions 1 and 2 with bars
Fri 8th Nov 2019 Questions 3 and 4 with bars
Challenge of the day
Sentence / Fragment / Run-on
Remember, a fragment is part of a sentence (or an incomplete idea) and a run-on is when there are two (or more) sentences not separated by a full stop, semi-colon, colon or dash.
1.) The Vikings first invaded Britain in 793.
2.) Go get your coat, it’s time we left.
3.) Alva, a small Viking girl from Kilsgaard.
4.) The pigeon caused complete and utter chaos.
5.) When you get home, make sure you let the dogs out.
6.) In the middle of the forest.
7.) The fox felt the car slow before the boy did, as he felt everything first.
8.) My brother goes swimming whilst I’m playing tennis.
9.) Grandma, what big eyes you have!
10.) Ephraim live right on the coast, he lived in the lighthouse
This one will be tricky depending on what you have at home. If on a computer, head to
If you click “tutorials” at the top, there are a whole host of different activities you can have a go at.
As always send me in anything you feel like sharing; I will put it on the website for everyone else to see – and remember, you can share thing other things you’ve been doing at home (not just the work from here!).