These are today’s specific activities – click any pictures to enlarge them, or you can use the pdf version link next to the pictures. There’s no set time or order you need to complete these in; however, we will do another a hive game on Spelling Shed at 1:05pm – I will post the code needed to join 10 minutes before at 12:55pm and then post the results when we have finished.
Any relevant answers will be posted tomorrow before the day’s activities.
Remember, you should also be reading your book and using TTRS, Spelling Shed and ReadTheory throughout the day – see the class’s information page for info on this.
It would also be great if you could complete some running/walking each day – which, if you could email me your distance, I can add to our termly running challenge . We have completed 756km (470 miles) so far – meaning we are on our return journey back to Norway and have 644km (400 miles) to go.
Early Bird Maths

Problems of the day
The blue problems are slightly harder.

Bar model questions
Take care with these; yesterday, lot of you had the right workings, but didn’t write the answer to the question being asked.
Bar models – Q1&2 – pdf
Bar models – Q3&4 – pdf
Challenge of the day
If you’re up for a challenge, see if you can solve this:

If you found that easy, have a go at this one (it’s really hard!!).
If you do manage to solve this, make sure you send me your workings!
Spot the mistakes
There are 32 mistakes in this passage; can you find and correct them all?
Befor the gurl culd evan take a breathe the door burst open the most disgusting creatture apeared on the other side. it had blew scales up it’s back and teeth – what were as sharp as dagers. it moved dengerously slowly, as if it new it had her already. Sophie was pinned to the spot in fear. if she moved forward she would be going straight towards it. if she moved backwards she would end up back where she was running from she honestly didnt no witch won was worse. Thats when it happened. Thats when Sophies worst nightmare becomed a reality.
Continue with your newspaper article – remember this is going to take a while, so don’t rush it! If you think you have finished, go back and check it for mistakes and think about how you could improve it.
Remember, if you have any questions whilst writing this, then please don’t hesitate to ask. As soon as any of you send me any, I will post them on the website to help inspire everyone else!
Your task for geography is to try an draw your own version of a map of the world. Think carefully about how big each land mass and oceans/seas should be. You can be as creative as you wish – your map can be an accurate/detailed version or you can try and do it in your own style (for example a cartoon version).
If interested, this video here explains how tricky it is to make an accurate 2D version of the world – due to the earth being a spherical – and why this means there are many different versions of maps.
A bonus question:
What do you call someone who makes maps?
If you have any questions/queries or you would like to share anything you have done at home, you can send emails to me at any time. Also, if you missed it, I have set all of Class 4 up on their on emails: see here.
I hope you’re all doing well. Hopefully, we’ll all be back in school soon as soon as possible!