Spring Term in Grasshoppers

Welcome to the Spring term!

Happy New Year to you all, I hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break.

Our Spring curriculum is called ‘Famous Faces’.

Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2025

If you would like to get in touch, at any point this term, please use our class email and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.      grasshoppers@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk

Many thanks,

Nicky Morris

Forest School Session – Monday 16th December

Grasshoppers will all be going to Forest School tomorrow, Monday 16th December, in the afternoon.

Please can the children have clothing and coats suitable for the weather conditions. We do have some waterproofs and some wellies that can be borrowed.

Many thanks

Nativity – Evening Performance


Please could all children in Fireflies & Grasshoppers return to school on Tuesday 10th December at 5.30pm, so that they have time to get changed ready for their performance at 6pm.

Please do not arrive before 5.30pm.

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox

Nativity Costumes/Lines

Nativity Costumes 

We do have some nativity costumes in school but some of them are starting to look a little worn. If anyone has any old costumes that they are happy to donate to school, for future performances, we would be very grateful.

We will be sending home a slip next week so parents and carers know what costumes the children will need for our nativity performance.

Lines (KS1)

If your child has brought home lines to learn for their part in the nativity, please can you support them at home to learn their lines and deliver them with lots of volume!

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox



Rhino Readers – Online reading books

Rhino Reader Books

The children have a new set of log in details in the front of their yellow reading records.

These will allow them to access online copies of the Twinkl Phonics books they bring home.

They will have access to all the books within the level they are working at. This is based on the sounds they have been taught in class and the sounds they are secure with and can remember.

It is really important that the children learn the sounds that I put on their ‘Home Learning’ sheet on a Thursday. They will not be able to progress with their reading if they do not know their sounds.

The children can reread books they have read and also read new ones, within their level.

Please click on the link below for more information about how you can support your child with their reading.

To access the ebooks click on the link below and enter your child’s username and password.


If you have any questions about Rhino Readers or your child’s reading in general, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks.

Rhino Readers Information

Games – Number Facts/Number Bonds

Here are some great resources to help the children with their maths. I have shown them how to use the games and would encourage them to have a go at home.

Many thanks

Number Fact Families


Save the Whale – Learn your number bonds to 5,6,7,8,9 & 10


Hit the Button – Number bonds/Times Tables


Mental Maths Train


Paint the Squares – 100 Square games



Beach Party Reminder

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday 17th July) the children can come to school in a summer outfit ready for their beach afternoon. Please can they wear sturdy footwear, not flip flops or sandals.

The weather is forecast to be warmer so please can the children come prepared to spend the afternoon outside.

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris & Mrs Fox

Class Trip to Enginuity

Yesterday, Grasshoppers went to Enginuity for the day. The children took part in a bridge building workshop, in the morning. They worked in small groups to design and make bridges. They tested the strength of their bridge by seeing how many weight elephants it could take, before breaking. All the designs were very different and most were successful in holding the weight of 3 or 4 elephants.

After a picnic lunch, we split into groups and explored the museum.

We had a wonderful time!

Titanic Talk

Many thanks to Stewart Clarke, who came into school to give the class a talk about the Titanic and also tell the children about his experiences working as an engineer on a modern cruise liner. Thank you also to Nicole Clarke, who assisted by showing the children photographs.

The children really enjoyed the talk and we are very grateful for their time.

Number Bonds to 10, 20, 100/Times Tables/Counting in 2s,5s,10s,3s

Save the Whale – Learn your number bonds to 5,6,7,8,9 & 10


Hit the Button – Number bonds/Times Tables


Number Fact Families


Mental Maths Train


Paint the Squares – 100 Square games


Time Games

In maths, we have been learning how to tell the time.

Please find links below to some games, which will support this learning.


BBC Bitesize – Time Resources


Clocking In Game


Telling the time in words


Hickory Dickory Dock Time Game


Corner Exotics – Simon Airey

This afternoon, Grasshoppers and Fireflies had a visit from Simon, from Corner Exotics. We all learnt so much about the world and the animals that live in it. In particular, those from Australia and those animals with similar adaptations.

A blue tongued skink, carpet python, boa constrictor, hedgehog, chinchilla, scorpion, giant spiny stick insect, tarantulas, Australian green tree frog, African bullfrog, leopard gecko and an East Australian bearded dragon.

We all had a great afternoon and the children were fearless!


Easter Fun

Have a lovely Easter break with your families, Grasshoppers

I was told about the Easter Festival at The British Ironwork Centre by Carla. Kids get in free!

There are a few other events below too. Have fun!


Homemade Easter Festival🐣, The British Ironwork Centre, Oswestry, 29 March  to 30 March | AllEvents.in


Castle Dragons & Eggs Trail event thumbnail


Advert for the Easter Egg Trail at Ludlow Castle, with eggs and rabbits ears!


Ludlow Library (@LudlowLibrary) / X


Easter Storytime & Craft at Booka Bridgnorth

Animal Man Visit – Grasshoppers and Fireflies

Grasshoppers and Fireflies are having a visitor on the first day back after Easter: the Animal Man.


As this may involve some direct interaction with the animals, could any parents/carers with children with allergies to any animals fill in the following form: https://forms.office.com/e/JDYdm3NjE9


World Book Day (7th March) and Comic Relief (15th March)

We have two upcoming events that we are planning on celebrating in school.


World Book Day (Thursday 7th March)

For World Book Day, children are encouraged to come to school dress as character from their favourite (or any) book/story – and also bring along the book (if the have it); however, we appreciate that not all children will enjoy “dressing up”. If so, they can come in their own clothes. As this is not a charitable fundraising event, no donation are being requested.


On the day, the children’s classes will be mixed to form 5 new classes (with children from reception to Y6 in each class). The classes will then rotate around a variety of different book-themed activities throughout the day.


In the afternoon, we’d like to invite any parents and carers (and others) to come into school – in a similar way as last year – to share some reading books or stories with your child or any others . This will be from 2:15pm. At around 2:45pm, we will be having our usual celebration assembly – which anyone is also welcome to stay for.



Comic Relief – “Red Nose Day” (Friday 15th March)

We are also having a fundraising day for Comic Relief. Children can come into school in their own clothes (with something red). We are requesting donations for this event as it will be raising money for Comic Relief; however, the amount is entirely up to you.


As part of the day, children can also bring in their own joke – written on piece of paper with their name on. The joke doesn’t have to be an original one. Teachers will be picking their top 20 jokes – which will be shared in assembly and the top joke (by volume of laughter it generates) winning a prize! Unfortunately, due to timings, this will be an assembly with just children.

Science – Alive/Dead/Once Alive/Never Alive

Grasshoppers have enjoyed learning about what makes something alive and sorting objects into groups depending on whether they are ‘Alive’, ‘Dead / Once Alive’ or ‘Never Alive’. There are some great activities on the BBC Bitesize website that they might like to try with you at home to help embed their learning.

Dead, living and non-living – BBC Bitesize

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Image preview

Club Spaces

There are still spaces for the after school clubs this term – children can start this week if payment can be dropped into the office. I have attached the Clubs letter for more information. Please email careclub@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk if you have any questions.

Cheerleading KS2 – 3 spaces

Create Club year 1-year 6 – 3 spaces

Multisports KS1 – 5 spaces

Invasion Games year 2-year 6 – 4 spaces

Activity Clubs letter Spring Term 2 2024

Maths Games

In class, I have shown the Year 2 children how to play these games to support their multiplication work, at home.

I will also send home information about TTRS, next week, as the Year 2 children can begin accessing this, if they haven’t already. They should begin on their 2, 5 and 10 times tables, before progressing onto their 3 times table.





Spring Term Clubs

There are still some places left in after school clubs this term, and we are opening up our fantastic art club on Wednesdays, Create Club, for year 2s!

KS2 Cheerleading Tuesday – 2 spaces

Create Club Wednesday – now open for year 2 upwards.

KS1 Multisports Thursday

Invasion Games Friday

The letter that went out last term is attached for more information and cost of the clubs. Please send payment into the office.

Activity Clubs Spring Term 1 2024

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break and enjoyed spending time with your families.

Hopefully, you all feel refreshed and ready for the Spring term ahead.

Our topic for this term is ‘Australia’.

Click on the link below for a clearer view.

Australia Curriculum Overview Spring 2024

Please find below some information about the ‘Grasshoppers’ class.

Monday – Thursday, the class is taught by Mrs Nicky Morris.

On a Friday, the class will be taught by Mrs Katherine Brescianini.

Grasshoppers will be supported in class, at various times, by Mrs Markall, Mrs Robinson, Miss Burton and Mrs Moreton.

This year, we have 26 children in class: 22 Year 2 children and 4 Year 1 children.


PE Days

Monday: Gymnastics & Dance (Indoor PE kit)

Friday: Games (Outdoor PE kit)


Water bottles

Please can water bottles be plastic, not metal and they must have non spill spouts. Children need to have a clean water bottle in school every day.


Bags and Coats

The children will need one bag for their belongings which will be placed in the cloakroom at the start of the day. They will bring their reading book, reading record and water bottle into the classroom only. There will be a box outside the classroom for lunchboxes to be stored.

Children must bring a warm, waterproof coat every day. They will be going outside at playtime whatever the weather.

Please ensure that all belongings are named, especially school jumpers, cardigans, coats and bags.



Long hair (below shoulder length) should be tied back. Hair should be kept out of children’s eyes using headbands or clips.


Trinkets and toys

Please can you ensure that the children do not bring into school trinkets or other small toys from home.



The children will be expected to read regularly throughout the week and have their record signed by an adult.

The children must bring their reading record and reading book to school every day. They need to bring them into class and place them in the blue box.



Homework is reading, learning the spellings for their year groups and learning their times tables. To support them to do this they will have access to ‘Spelling Shed’, ‘Numbots’ and ‘Times Table Rock Stars’.

The children have log in details for these but if you have any problems, please get in touch.

(You can also find our school ‘Homework Policy’ on the school website.)

Please look out for regular updates on the Grasshoppers page of the school website. Here you will find reminders, photographs and information about the curriculum we follow in class.

All this information can also be found in the ‘Information’ section on our Grasshoppers class page.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by email, send a note or arrange a telephone call/ appointment via the school office.

Our class email address which you can contact me directly on is: grasshoppers@brownclee.shropshire.sch.uk

Many thanks,

Mrs Nicky Morris

Forest School tomorrow

A reminder that all of Grasshoppers will be going to Forest School tomorrow afternoon.
Please can they be dressed appropriately with warm clothing, covering arms and legs, and a waterproof coat.
Many thanks

Dress rehearsal & Evening performance – Wednesday 13th December

Tomorrow is our nativity dress rehearsal and evening performance, for Key Stage One children.

Please could all the children be back at school for 5.30pm.

There are 6 costumes that are still outstanding for children in Fireflies. Please let us know if you are having difficulty providing one and we will help. 

Please could the girls have their hair tied back tomorrow.

Many thanks.