Number Bonds to 10, 20, 100/Times Tables/Counting in 2s,5s,10s,3s

Save the Whale – Learn your number bonds to 5,6,7,8,9 & 10

Hit the Button – Number bonds/Times Tables

Number Fact Families

Mental Maths Train

Paint the Squares – 100 Square games

Time Games

In maths, we have been learning how to tell the time.

Please find links below to some games, which will support this learning.

BBC Bitesize – Time Resources

Clocking In Game

Telling the time in words

Hickory Dickory Dock Time Game

Maths Games

In class, I have shown the Year 2 children how to play these games to support their multiplication work, at home.

I will also send home information about TTRS, next week, as the Year 2 children can begin accessing this, if they haven’t already. They should begin on their 2, 5 and 10 times tables, before progressing onto their 3 times table.


Spelling Shed – Year 2

Please encourage your child to use Spelling Shed to learn the new spelling patterns taught in Year 2.

Log in details can be found in the front of their yellow reading record.

I have set assignments for each new spelling pattern, covered in class.

Once they have logged on, they need to click on ‘View’ in the ‘Assignments’ box. (See below)

I will check the activity of each child, every week and the children can see how they are doing on the class league table.

It does have a big impact on their spelling skills!

5 – 10 minutes each day, if possible. Please let me know if you have any issues with Spelling Shed.

Many thanks.

Games – Number Facts/Number Bonds

Here are some great resources to help the children with their maths. I have shown them how to use the games and would encourage them to have a go at home.

Many thanks

Number Fact Families

Save the Whale – Learn your number bonds to 5,6,7,8,9 & 10

Hit the Button – Number bonds/Times Tables

Mental Maths Train

Paint the Squares – 100 Square games


Spelling Shed, Numbots & TTRS Homework

As part of your child’s homework they will have access to Spelling Shed, Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars.

Your child has their log in details for these games in the front of their yellow reading records.

Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars have the same log in details.

Children in Year 1 can use Numbots. Year 2 children should continue on Numbots and after Christmas can begin to use TTRS as well.

Spelling Shed will help your child learn the ‘Common Exception’ words that they need to be able to read and spell by the end of Key Stage 1. It will also help to support them with spelling words containing all the sounds and letter patterns from Phases 2 – 6.

I can see how many times each child has accessed these games throughout the week and so will check on a Thursday that children are completing Spelling Shed and Numbots.

If you have any problems accessing any of the games, please get in touch.

Homework – Grasshoppers

Please see the guidance below, taken from our Homework Policy, for what the children should be completing for their homework, each week.

We check the activity of each child on Spelling Shed and there are very few children accessing this, in order to support them with their phonics and spelling patterns.

Please email: if you can not access Spelling Shed, Numbots/TTRS. The children should have their log in details in the front of their blue reading record.

Many thanks

Games – Number Bonds/Number facts/Phonics

Save the Whale – Learn your number bonds to 5,6,7,8,9 & 10

Hit the Button – Number bonds/Times Tables

Number Fact Families

Mental Maths Train

Paint the Squares – 100 Square games

Sound Sayer – Learn your phonic sounds


Spelling Shed – Year 2

Please encourage your child to use Spelling Shed to learn the new spelling patterns taught in Year 2.

Log in details can be found in the front of their blue reading record.

I have set assignments for each new spelling pattern, covered in class.

Once they have logged on, they need to click on ‘View’ in the ‘Assignments’ box. (See below)

I will check the activity of each child, every week.

5 – 10 minutes each day, if possible.

Many thanks.


Money Games

This week, in our maths work we have been focusing on money.  Please find below some money games that I have shown the children in class. The children were keen to play them at home and will help support their learning.

Many thanks.

Coin Calculator

Toy Shop

Coins Game

Pay using 1 coin game

Number bonds at home

Please could the children continue their learning at home by having a go at the games to help them learn their number bonds.

Click on the link below for a list of resources.

Games to help you learn your number bonds

Start with your number bonds to 10. You need to know them so you can instantly recall pairs of number that go together to make 10.

If this is tricky, find pairs of number that total 1 – 9 first.

Eg, Number bonds to make 5.

5 + 0, 0 + 5, 4 + 1, 1 + 4, 3 + 2, 2 + 3

If you are confident with these numbers try your number bonds to 20.

Year 2 children that are confident with 20 can move onto number bonds to 100.

A number bond is just a pair of numbers that go together to make a total.



Please find below some resources that will help you support your child at home with their handwriting.

Click on the slide to enlarge it.

You will find the links on the slides underneath each slide.


Handwriting Policy




‘Paint the Squares’ resource

This is a great resource for the children to use at home. It will support them to become familiar with number order, forwards and backwards and to explore number patterns.

You can select which number you would like the number square to go up to and increase it as they become more confident.

There are also games to play in the ‘Pick a puzzle’ box.

Spelling Shed & Numbots/Times Table Rock Stars

As part of your child’s homework they will have access to Spelling Shed, Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars.

Your child has their log in details for these games in the front of their yellow reading records.

Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars have the same log in details.

Children in Year 1 can use Numbots and after Christmas Year 2 children can begin to use TTRS as well.

Spelling Shed will help your child learn the ‘Common Exception’ words that they need to be able to read and spell by the end of Key Stage 1. It will also help to support them with spelling words containing all the sounds and letter patterns from Phases 2 – 6.

I can see how many times each child has accessed these games throughout the week and so will check on a Thursday that children are completing Spelling Shed and Numbots.

If you have any problems accessing any of the games, please get in touch.

Updated Words Sheet

Please have a look in your child’s reading record for their updated ‘Common Exception Words’ list. This is a list of words that the children ideally should be able to read and spell by the end of their year.
If they could keep reading over the words they can’t yet read at home too, that will be helpful.

Many thanks.

Money Games

Next week in maths, we will be exploring ‘Money’. I have shown the children the two games/resources below which they might find useful.

We haven’t been using coins and notes so much recently but if you still have some at home please could the children have a look at them.

Words and Sounds Pack

Good afternoon,

Yesterday, your child brought home a plastic wallet containing the ‘common exception words’ and phonic sounds that they need to learn, over time.

Please find below some additional resources to help support them with these. You will also find some resources on the previous post.

Please get in touch if you do not have access to a printer but would like any of the sheets sent home.

Many thanks,

Mrs Morris

For more videos to help with phonics click on the link below.



The link below will take you to ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ with all the common exception words on. They are labelled on here as ‘Tricky words’.

Phonics and Spelling

Please find below some resources that will support your child with their phonics and spelling.

Phase 3 Sounds Powerpoint – Phase 3 Powerpoint

Phase 3 Sound Mat

Phase 4 Blends Powerpoint – Phase 4 Blends Powerpoint


Phase 5 Sounds Powerpoint – Phase 5 Powerpoint


Spelling Frame and Spell Zone has games that will help your child practise spelling words containing each sound.

Spooky Spellings Game

Karate Cats English – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling game

Click to play the game





Maths at Home

In Maths, we having been working on place value. Please find below some information and resources that will support your child at home.

Year 1 – Please practise counting from any number up to 100. Focus, in particular, on the numbers that change into the next tens number.

Eg, 19 – 20, 29 – 30, 39 – 40.

When counting this is a sticking point, they don’t know what comes after 19, 29, 39, 49 and so on.

Practise writing numbers from 0 – 20, forming numbers correctly. Lots of children form numbers back to front. This is completely normal for this age group.

Ask them to write the numbers out of order too.

Have a go at the ‘Helicopter Rescue’ game below and use ‘Paint the Squares’ to help with counting.

Year 2 – Practise reading, writing and counting all the numbers from 0 to 100. You should be able to count forwards and backwards from any number.

Practise counting in steps of 2, 5, and 10. It is important you can do this for when we do multiplication. Use ‘Paint the Squares’ below to help you. Look for the patterns and think about what the numbers end in.

If you are fluent with 2, 5 and 10, try steps of 3.

Practise counting tens and ones to work out what number is being represented. Use ‘Place Value Basketball’ below.

Remember, don’t worry if you find something difficult. Keep trying and you will get there in the end!

Nursery 'Watch me Learn' workshop | Hamilton Academy