After-School Clubs for Spring Half Term

Noticeboard poster Spring Term 1 – 2025

Please note that after-school clubs will now need to be booked and paid for on ParentPay.


To so, please click the yellow box “Pay for other items”:

This will open up all the available options to pay:


Care club bookings should be being paid this way (unless using the tax-free childcare payment system).

Parent-Feedback Sessions – Autumn ’24

As shared previously, our parent-feedback sessions are due to take place on Wednesday 4th December.


To book a time, please following the relevant links below.

(Please note that, if you have more than one child at school, you will need to book a time slot for each.)






KS2 Swimming – Sept ’24

Please see below a letter regarding swimming in KS2 for this term.

Paper copies of the letter will be sent home with children on Monday.

Swimming Lessons – Sept 24

Arthog 24-25 Update

Following the questionnaire sent out a couple of weeks ago regarding next year’s Y5/6 residential trip (, we would like to confirm that we have booked our place at Arthog for next academic year (25.11.24 – 29.11.24)


The questionnaire unanimously voiced the importance of a residential (something which we whole-heartedly agree with). We understand the small number of concerns about the November date – as well as the cost. We did explore multiple different options – but found that, although there was availability in the Summer Term at other locations, Arthog still proved to be considerably cheaper – as well as providing a wider range of acivities and experiences.


Please rest assured that Arthog will have fully risk assessed all activities (and they run activities throughout the whole year – including the even colder months). It is likely that some of the more weather-dependent activities, such as surfing and sea-kayaking will not be possible (these activites are often not possible for all groups in the summer anyway); however, the bulk of the usual activites will still be the same (as well as the possibility of some activities that we have never done before!).


We will also continue exploring ways in which we can reduced the overall cost (including the additional transport costs).


So that you have a clear picture (especially with it being in the Autumn term of next year), here is an estimated timescale of things between now and the eventual trip:

  • Return from Arthog: 29/11/24
  • Leave for Arthog: 25/11/24
  • Final payments required: First week back of next academic year (approx. 06.09.24)
  • Deposit required: 25/05/24


We will share more information as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate in getting in touch.

World Book Day 2024

Everyone enjoyed a day of celebrating reading and all the joys of stories. Children were mixed up into 5 new classes (with children from Reception all the way up to Year 6) and then spent around 45mins with each teacher completing different story-related tasks (from illustrating and character-creating to creating film trailers of their chosen stories to creating book covers and designing world within stories). Take a look below:

Arthog – 2024/25

Looking ahead for our biennial Arthog visit, which is due to take place in the academic year 2024/25, we have found there is very limited availability at our preferred dates – with the only suitable available date being November 2024. There has also been a significant increase in the cost of this per pupil compared to previous years – which is £373 per pupils (before adding transport costs). We have been exploring further options – but have found that these are all coming up as just as much – or, in some cases, significantly more. We are going to look into how we can, as a school, help minimising the cost of this cost for yourselves.


Before we make our booking official, we would like to gauge the interest level of parents of current Year 4 and Year 5 parents. If you are a parent of a Year 4 or 5, we’d very much appreciate if you could fill in the following Microsoft Form:

World Book Day (7th March) and Comic Relief (15th March)

We have two upcoming events that we are planning on celebrating in school.


World Book Day (Thursday 7th March)

For World Book Day, children are encouraged to come to school dress as character from their favourite (or any) book/story – and also bring along the book (if the have it); however, we appreciate that not all children will enjoy “dressing up”. If so, they can come in their own clothes. As this is not a charitable fundraising event, no donation are being requested.


On the day, the children’s classes will be mixed to form 5 new classes (with children from reception to Y6 in each class). The classes will then rotate around a variety of different book-themed activities throughout the day.


In the afternoon, we’d like to invite any parents and carers (and others) to come into school – in a similar way as last year – to share some reading books or stories with your child or any others . This will be from 2:15pm. At around 2:45pm, we will be having our usual celebration assembly – which anyone is also welcome to stay for.



Comic Relief – “Red Nose Day” (Friday 15th March)

We are also having a fundraising day for Comic Relief. Children can come into school in their own clothes (with something red). We are requesting donations for this event as it will be raising money for Comic Relief; however, the amount is entirely up to you.


As part of the day, children can also bring in their own joke – written on piece of paper with their name on. The joke doesn’t have to be an original one. Teachers will be picking their top 20 jokes – which will be shared in assembly and the top joke (by volume of laughter it generates) winning a prize! Unfortunately, due to timings, this will be an assembly with just children.

Club Spaces

There are still spaces for the after school clubs this term – children can start this week if payment can be dropped into the office. I have attached the Clubs letter for more information. Please email if you have any questions.

Cheerleading KS2 – 3 spaces

Create Club year 1-year 6 – 3 spaces

Multisports KS1 – 5 spaces

Invasion Games year 2-year 6 – 4 spaces

Activity Clubs letter Spring Term 2 2024

Looking at one point perspective

We have enjoyed looking at one point perspective in our art work this week. May of the children have asked for the link to a webpage that we took a look at in class so that they can have another go at home.

Please find the link below:

Have fun Dragonflies!

Spring Term Clubs

There are still some places left in after school clubs this term, and we are opening up our fantastic art club on Wednesdays, Create Club, for year 2s!

KS2 Cheerleading Tuesday – 2 spaces

Create Club Wednesday – now open for year 2 upwards.

KS1 Multisports Thursday

Invasion Games Friday

The letter that went out last term is attached for more information and cost of the clubs. Please send payment into the office.

Activity Clubs Spring Term 1 2024

Happy New Year!

I hope that you have all had a super Christmas and New Year! I am very much looking forward to seeing you back in school on Monday morning. Our topic this term is Sensational Shropshire. Take a look at our class information page to see what we will be finding out about!

Rearranged Dragonflies Parent’s Afternoon/Evening

The date for the rearranged Parent’s Afternoon/Evening for Dragonflies class is Wednesday 10th January 2024 between 1pm and 6pm.  Letters have been e-mailed to Dragonflies parents and a copy is attached below.

Please could you return the booking slip to the school office by Wednesday 20th December indicating if there are any time restraints. Appointments will be allocated on a first served basis.

AutumnTerm 2023 Dragonflies rearranged