Looking at one point perspective

We have enjoyed looking at one point perspective in our art work this week. May of the children have asked for the link to a webpage that we took a look at in class so that they can have another go at home.

Please find the link below:

Have fun Dragonflies!

Happy New Year!

I hope that you have all had a super Christmas and New Year! I am very much looking forward to seeing you back in school on Monday morning. Our topic this term is Sensational Shropshire. Take a look at our class information page to see what we will be finding out about!

Lost sports tops

Dear all,

There have been a few incidences of named Brown Clee PE jumpers going missing recently. If your child has brought one home by mistake, could you please return it to school as soon as possible.

Many thanks,

Mrs Heath



Welcome to Dragonflies!

We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to school tomorrow for the autumn term. There is a lot to look forward to including our new topic of Guatemala and our Y3&4 trip to the Pioneer Centre!

Summer Term in Dragonflies!

We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to school tomorrow for the summer term. There is a lot to look forward to including our new topic of Ancient Egypt and our KS2 production!

Wednesday 7th September

Hi Dragonflies,

It was lovely to see you all in class today!

Please could you wear your P.E. kit on Wednesday and bring in one of your favourite books.


Welcome back!

Hello Dragonflies,

I hope that you’re enjoying your summer break. If you’d like to find out what we’ll be doing when we return to school in September, head to our class information page.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Science in Dragonflies

This afternoon we have been observing and studying rocks as part of our science work. We have looked at chalk, limestone and basalt. We have recorded our findings.

Art in Dragonflies

We have been looking at the work of landscape artist William Heaton Cooper.  We have learned about using one point perspective in our drawing and have used colour to add perspective to our paintings. We have learned that we can use lighter to darker shades to show perspective.

We laid our paintings out and had a critique session. We discussed the use of colour and shared our observations with each other.


Our class challenge

We have been making good progress with our challenge to run the length of the Shropshire county border.

So far we have travelled 161 km, we now have 336 km to go.

Our Fitness Challenge

As part of our topic on Sensational Shropshire, we are attempting to run the length of the Shropshire border. The border of Shropshire is 497 km long….how many times can we run this distance over the term?

Happy New Year!

Happy new year Dragonflies! I hope that you had a super time with your families over the Christmas break and am looking forward to seeing you all back in school tomorrow!

This term our topic is Sensational Shropshire! Take a look at the page below to find out more about our learning:

Our P.E. days remain the same this term, so please come into school in your P.E kits on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Our last swimming session for this term will be on Tuesday 7th December.

Please Note: this is different to the original plan as we had to miss a session earlier in the term. 

We have really enjoyed our sessions and we would like to thank the staff at the Leisure Centre in Ludlow for accommodating all of us!

The weather is getting colder!

We have the windows open in class to allow for sufficient ventilation.

Please don’t forget to wear layers e.g. a vest, t-shirt or sport skins under your school uniform so that you are not cold in class.

A note about swimming

Please wear PE kits on swimming days

On the original notice about swimming sessions at the beginning of term I had asked children to come in their school uniforms every Tuesday to go to the pool.

However, after discussion with Mr Harley we have decided that it would be better for children to come in their school PE kits.

Many thanks,

Mrs Heath

P.E on Wednesday!

Dragonflies will be doing P.E. tomorrow as we took extra time to finish an English session today.

Please could children come into school in their PE kits again tomorrow.

I appreciate that this may be difficult for those who are taking part in cross country this evening. If they don’t have a complete school kit to wear, perhaps they could wear something as near as possible just for tomorrow.

Apologies and many thanks.

Mrs Heath

Fun with French

Dragonflies have been having fun learning a French rhyme and using finger puppets that we made in our performance.

You can hear them performing the rhyme here:


Dragonflies – Welcome back!

Welcome to Dragonflies!

I am so excited about being back in school with you all this term! I hope that you have had a super summer holiday with your families and are looking forward to beginning the new term together.

This term our topic is Rainforest. Take a look at the page below to find out more about our learning:

Friday 17th July – Y3&Y4 Maths – (p2of3)

Y3&4  – Summer Term – Week 12 – Lesson 5: Maths Challenges

Some schools don’t finish for the summer until next week and so Bitesize says about next week being the last week of term, but that’s fine, this is still the right maths challenge for today!

Year 3 – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zwpn2v4

Year 4 – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z9yvtrd

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