Following on from Chloe’s lambs from earlier on in the week, here’s some photos of Aggie and some of hers:

Alex and her brother and sister have made a water slide in their garden:
Zak has been testing out the bridge he made using his bike:
and camping in his garden:

George Be has sent in a picture of a robin – which is nesting in his shed. You can just make out the top of its head.

and here’s a picture of George Be playing balloon tennis and George R doing his laps around his garden:

Here are some the bridges made by Elliot, Samuel and Ellowyne.
Here are some self-portraits by Alex, Samuel and George Ba:
And, some of the fantastic work that has been sent in over the past couple of days:
Here’s the scores so far on our running challenge:

Falcons with a resounding lead! Remember to keep sending in your distances – which I will add to the total. I will reveal which house is leading again next Friday.
Some of you sent in some bike riding distances (which is absolutely fine!), but, when inputting the data, I did adjust the distances slightly to ensure they were fair along with the running distances