A great start!


First of all, a huge well done to all the children who have returned to school this week. They have been absolutely amazing with all the new routines and procedures in place.

Our topic for this term is ‘Innovators and Inventions’ with a particular focus on the development of railways and trains, especially during the Victorian period and the significant people involved.

In English our whole class reader is The Railway Children and we will be focusing on comprehension and asking questions to improve our undertstanding of the text. We will also be completing descriptive writing, a diary entry, writing stories and exploring characters. We will be reading and responding to the poems From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stephenson and This is the Night Mail Crossing the border By W H Auden. We will also look at performance poetry Song on a Train by David McCord and Hand on the Bridge by Michael Rosen.

In Maths we will be following the White Rose Scheme of work and will be looking at Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division. Please as much as possible,encourage your child to keep learning their multiplication tables and quick recall of facts.

In Science we will be looking at States of Matter for the first half term and Electricity and circuits the second half term.

We will also be looking at sketching techniques and Victorian art, learning about famous Victorians and the birth of the railways, locational knowledge of the UK and our railway network.

There will also be some Music sessions, French and Computing.

P.E will be on a Tuesday and Friday and children are to come to school on these days in their outdoor P.E kit as we will be going out whatever the weather!

If you have any questions, please just get in touch.

Mrs Cains

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